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Lutheran Family Services now taking applications to assist Nebraskans with CARES funding

Omaha, (Neb) – August 27, 2020 – Nebraskans across the state feel the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. For many people, who prior to the pandemic faced mental and physical health challenges and financial strains, the pandemic and its health and economic effects have propelled them to seek assistance for the first time.

In an effort to help individuals and families most impacted by the pandemic, Lutheran Family Services (LFS) is partnering with the State of Nebraska to help distribute much-needed CARES assistance. The CARES Act Response and Recovery funds will allow LFS to serve individuals and families whose lives have been directly or indirectly affected by the COVID 19 pandemic. The statewide effort focuses on four specific areas based on NVOAD data and current, known COVID hot spots.

LFS will assist 2,500 Nebraskans through CARES Act funds. For those individuals and families, funds will help with overdue rent or mortgage payments, basic needs, and assistance with gaining access to online platforms for school or telehealth.

LFS serves individuals and families across the entire state of Nebraska, with services in 16 locations, including Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, North Platte, Lexington, Blair, and Fremont. The CARES Act funds allow LFS to provide direct support to individuals and families in need of assistance as warranted by the pandemic public health emergency.

“While LFS has worked to continue its pre-pandemic services and stepped up its services in response to COVID-19, this partnership with the State of Nebraska allows LFS to reach out to many more people in need. We are always pleased to partner with the State as it endeavors to make Nebraska the best place for everyone, but we are most pleased to partner in this urgently-needed way,” notes Stacy Martin, LFS President & CEO.

CARES funding will be used to assist people with the following:

1. Loss of employment due to changes in the workplace because of COVID 19;

2. Loss of income due to COVID-19-specific illness of either self or a family member;

3. Loss of income due to a loss or reduction in unemployment benefits;

4. Lack of income for one of the following reasons:

· Inability to stay current with rent or mortgage payment causing a risk of eviction or homelessness;

· Inability to stay current paying utility bills and at risk of shut off;

· Inability to access necessary resources such as telehealth for medical or behavioral health due to a lack of either a smartphone or a tablet;

· Inability of adults or children to receive online education or training due to lack of technology;

· Lack of or inability to maintain enough food or essential items (clothing, shelter) and necessities for the individual or family;

· Require short-term financial assistance;

· Are experiencing poverty;

· Are facing mental health or substance abuse issues;

· Are experiencing language barriers;

· Are isolated and/or have limited access to services in remote areas of the state.

For more information regarding how to apply for assistance, call 1-833-566-0766 visit

This project or activity was supported by funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) from the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, CFDA Number 21.019.

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