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2024-2025 Partner Agency Application

Investing in our Community

Mid-Plains United Way is dedicated to our mission of uniting resources to build a strong, caring community.  Through financial support to partner agencies, Mid-Plains United Way is able to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and families in our 16-county service area.  By working together, these organizations are able to provide a comprehensive network of services that address a wide range of needs and ensure that everyone has access to the support they need to thrive.

Each year, we accept applications from eligible non-profits to become a partner agency and receive funding. To be eligible, organizations must meet the following criteria:


- Be a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization

- Serve one or more of the priority issue areas identified by Mid-Plains United Way, including education, 
health, and financial stability

- Have a proven track record of delivering effective programs and services

- Have a sound financial position and accounting system


Organizations that meet the criteria are encouraged to apply. The application process includes several steps, including a complete application, a site visit, and a presentation to the Board of Trustees. Organizations that are selected to move forward in the application process will be notified and provided with additional details. Mid-Plains United Way is committed to supporting non-profit organizations that are making a positive impact in our community where assistance is needed the most. We encourage eligible organizations to apply for funding and look forward to continuing to work together to create a stronger, healthier, and more vibrant community.


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